Saturday, March 13, 2010

Last Night's Scandal in glorious purple

Last time I mentioned page proofs.  This is the first pass at the print version, when the book really starts to look like a book, and the author looks for the mistakes she missed, as mentioned in an earlier post, the previous ten thousand times she—not to mention the copy editor and various other editors—went over it.  No matter what, I always find mistakes in the page proofs that can't all be blamed on the printer.  Somehow all those eagle eyes on the manuscript missed, say, missing end quotes.  And then there are the sudden realizations, e.g., "What was I thinking?" or "Didn't anyone notice I used the same word three times in the same paragraph?" or "Wait a minute!  Isn't that an anachronism?" (It usually is.)

I'm happy to report that the page proof phase is now behind me, too, and the next thing I'll see, somewhere down the road, are the Advanced Reading Copies.

Then, before we know it, Last Night's Scandal will actually be on bookstore shelves—while I'm watching Deadline-for-the-next book loom ever larger upon the horizon.

But in the meantime, here for your delectation is the brand-new cover, before even Amazon has it.


Monet said...

Cover looks great. When can we expect the excerpt?

Unknown said...

Love it! Can't wait!!!! Thanks for sharing!

Nancy D. said...

I can't wait to read it. You're one of my favourite authors and the one who got me back into reading romance novels.

Jen Mitchell said...

I'm am SO looking forward to this (ever since you hinted way back when that you were going to write their story). You are the BEST!

M said...

Your books are so intelligent and humorous, I'm definitely a fan. I've been looking forward to Peregrine and Olivia's adventure for so long that I almost can't believe the release is just around the corner. Please tell me it'll be available on Kindle at the same times as the print.

The cover is very pretty but at the same time kind I wish your publisher had kept going with the theme of Mr. Impossible and Lord Perfect putting men on the cover. I loved that.

Loretta Chase said...

Monet, I've got a reissue coming out first, so that will get attention. But an excerpt should appear before the end of April.___Peggy, I'll be sharing more over the coming months, in between talking about Three Times a Bride.___Nancy, that is an incredible thing to say! Thank you!__Jen, I can't believe you remembered that! Thank you!__ KIKI, thank you! I have no control over what versions come out when, but I'm pretty sure Avon releases the e-books at the same time. As to the covers: different publisher, different approach.

M said...

Hey Loretta,
I kind of thought they would be realeased together since many of your other books are available on Kindle.

I know you've mentioned in past posts that you have no control over cover art. Sorry. I guess I just wanted to whine about it a little.

Loretta Chase said...

KIKI, I think the only time they hold up releasing the Kindle (or want to) is when a book is coming out first in hardcover. But don't quote me. As to covers, it's OK to complain to the authors, but we can't change anything. We're in charge of writing. Someone else is in charge of packaging & selling. I totally understand your frustration, and wanting to see a different look. I think most authors have a different vision for the cover than what finally appears. But in all fairness to the packaging and selling people, I have to say that (1) there's no way any publisher can create covers that are to _everybody's_ taste and (b) Avon has done an amazing job of selling my books. So I hope you'll keep reading them anyway. Meanwhile, if you'd rather not look at a girl's back, there's always the guy in the step-back. *g*