Saturday, July 25, 2009

Me--or at least my cover--in People

Yes, Sarah and Candy have done it again. They've made mathematicians and NPR interviewers read my book. Now they've got it into People magazine. No, I'm not kidding. 3 August 2009 issue. Lord of Scoundrels, in living color. For all the world (the part that reads People, that is) to see.

Read it all about it at Smart Bitches Love Trashy Books.


Unknown said...

I'm so happy for you Loretta. I've gone to Word Wenches saw the announcement that Don't Tempt Me is going into its second printing. Then I checked the USA Today Bestseller List and saw that your book is still there for the third week. Same with the NYT Bestseller List. I'm rather vague about what number you were last week, but I think your book went up rather than down in the the 3rd week. It's about time that more people discover Loretta Chase.

Loretta Chase said...

Thank you, Susie! It went down then up again on the NYT list, which was very exciting. It's definitely a big deal for me, and I've been having moments of celebratory joy in between working on WIP.